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Dental & Vision
Dental & Vision expenses are not covered with CHM. Certain eye conditions (like Cataracts) and dental procedures related to a medical event might be covered. However CHM has a great deal with Careington, which is a good discount plan and includes:
Hearing aids
Cost $19.95 or lower, per month.
For more information on Carington plan, click here
You also save a lot of money with CHM because insurance premiums would be a lot higher than CHM's 'premium'. We suggest, that from these savings you put a little money into a savings account each month so you have money available in case you have any dental or vision needs.
With Telehealth, you have around-the-clock access to consultations with state licensed physicians, via phone or video chat. Plus, you have access to medical mediation and information. The doctor might prescribe medications for flu, allergies, fever, sinus infections, UTI, etc.
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