Money Saving Tips $$
Having CHM will save you a lot of money compared to most commercial insurances. Just by switching you save money on the monthly 'premiums' which are a lot less.
Setup a savings account from the money you save from your current insurance. Knowing that the monthly share (premium) is only $235.00 with the Gold plan (or less with the Silver or Bronze plan), it typically would leave (a lot) of money left over to visit the doctor.
Get a savings account and put money in here what you saved on insurance premium:
Average commercial health insurance cost $541 per month with a deductible of $5,000
CHM is $235 per month with a $1,000 deductible per year
TOTAL SAVINGS $306 per month on premiums, per person!
I put this $306 in a savings account, and in one year It will ad up to be $3,672.00!
So in the event that your bills don't exceed $1,000 (like for a regular doctors visit you pay about $100 out of pocket) or if you need to pay for medicine, you will have a nice personal 'health savings account' which you can use without it effecting your monthly budget.
How can you save money if you have to:
Go to the doctor or specialist
Need medication
Need lab work
Need testing